The AMS is pleased to launch the Macadamia Weather Network to assist growers with on-farm decision making, managing their orchards and scheduling of activities such as spray applications.
The network will provide AMS grower members, industry stakeholders and researchers with real-time weather station data from across multiple macadamia growing regions in Australia.
Localised weather data is becoming more vital in orchard operations particularly for spraying operations. Irrigation management and other operations are also being modelled to weather data for decision making. For example, research by collaborating partners is underway to develop disease prediction models for growers.
Via the network, AMS members can view data from over 30 locations using the interactive map or station list. The locations list will continue to expand as more weather stations are shared with the network.
To access the Macadamia Weather Network: login to your AMS members dashboard and look for the heading ‘Macadamia Weather Network’.
If you have a Davis weather station, you can contribute by sharing your data by following these steps. If you have a different brand of weather station, please contact [email protected]
This project is part of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Queensland’s Agribusiness Digital Solutions Grants Program and jointly funded by the Australian Macadamia Society.
All ‘AgTech’ stations included on this page are part of the regional weather station array managed by CQUniversity, and were installed as part of the Hinkler AgTech Initiative. The Initiative is funded through the Australian Government’s Hinkler Regional Deal.
We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of macadamia industry stakeholders

Publicly available weather forecasting tools:
The BOM website also has a number of weather forecasting tools such as MetEye for 7 day forecasts
There are also longer term climate outlooks for rainfall and temperature available here