
Product Detail

AMS Macadamia Grower Toolkit

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Product Details


Normal Price: $119.00

AMS Member Price : $99.00

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Funded by the AMS, the Macadamia Grower Toolkit is the most comprehensive documentation of good orchard practice the industry has seen in 20 years.

The Toolkit is a 150-page step-by-step guide detailing the latest management principles and the key steps to operating a successful, high producing orchard. Topics and chapters include:  Macadamia Ecophysiology, Orchard Floor, Nutrition, Canopy, Water/Drainage, Pest & Disease, Harvest, Post-Harvest Management, all the common macadamia reference guides.

NOTE: Toolkits are not available for international purchase.

Proudly Supported By

Supported by Hort Innovation and Macadamia Fund

This website has been partly funded by Hort Innovation, using the macadamia research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government.