


Join internationally acclaimed soil health consultant, Graeme Sait, for a day of insight into how you can build soil and plant health to increase profitability and reduce stress.

The course will involve a morning session where the mechanics of sustainable, highly productive macadamia farming will be discussed in depth. This will be followed by a more practical session where we will look at some soil and trees, monitor soil biology, demonstrate in-field, nutritional monitoring strategies and review relevant soil and leaf data.

This seminar is open to AMS members and levy payers only.

The morning session will involve the following:

1) Discover the relationship between minerals, microbes and humus and their interplay in determining productive potential

2) Understand the importance of often neglected trace minerals like silica, molybdenum, cobalt and boron 

3) Recognise the value of disease management strategies like immune elicitation, boosting cell wall strength, bioremediation and photosynthesis enhancement.

4) Learn seven key strategies to boost organic matter(humus), the single most important component of high production horticulture

5) Discover the six key mineral ratios to achieve on your soil test to boost productivity

6) Understand the profound link between nutrition and pest pressure

7) Realise the critical importance of tissue testing for precision management of nutrition and associated low-stress farming

8) Learn the mechanics and positive impact of on-farm composting

9) Discover the many benefits of cocktail cover cropping

10) Understand the key principles for successful foliar nutrition management.


About Graeme Sait


Graeme is the CEO and co-founder of Nutri-Tech Solutions (NTS), a world leader in sustainable agriculture. He is also an author/educator responsible for over 300 published articles and a popular book, ‘’Nutrition Rules!”. He created the internationally acclaimed, ‘NTS Certificate in Nutrition Farming®. This course has now extended the understanding of over 40,000 farmers, on four continents.

Graeme is a sought-after speaker, specialising in soil, plant, animal and human health. More recently, that emphasis has expanded to include planetary health, in recognition of the profound link between soil humus and carbon sequestration. His popular TED Talk, 'Humus Saves The World', has 200,000 views.

Graeme has had a major impact influencing farmers, consultants, governments and key decision makers in Canada, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Europe, Asia, India and of course, Australia and New Zealand (his original home country). He recently consulted with the Minister of Agriculture in the U.K., to help develop a more sustainable post-Brexit agriculture policy. In February 2019, Graeme travelled to India to train a large group of professors, some of whom will be involved in the world’s first organic university, soon to be established in that region.

Limited Seats – Registration Essential!

Bookings are essential so register today!

To register PHONE the AMS on 1800 262 426 or email [email protected]

Event Details
Peter & Denise Ranking's orchard, 161 East West Road, Valla
08 August 2019
9am - 3pm (lunch provided)

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Supported by Hort Innovation and Macadamia Fund

This website has been partly funded by Hort Innovation, using the macadamia research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government.