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AMS News Bulletin Spring 2024

2024 | Haase M, Grieve E, Xu X, Rincon-Florez V, Hall M, Hibbert P, Kojetin L, Bond D, Hamilton-Bate C, Commens R, Bright J, Epplett N, Akinsanmi F, Newton I, McConachie I, de Faveri S, Lee S, Price J, AMS, Hosseini Bai S, White E, BASF Australia, Neville B, Russell G, Wightman J, Clark A, Ganeshamoorthy H, Mensa T, Chambers D, Adams K, Hayes A, Hayward A, Farrer M, Nikzad N, Chen T, Khoshelham K | News Bulletin

CEO's report
Strategic plan
Marketing update and news
Industry insights
Nuts for Life update
Technical team starts works on recovery and resilience of Macadamia jansenii
Loss of modern pioneers: Stanley Thomas Henry and Thomas Ashley Hoult
EPPR levy re-activated to fund industry share of Varroa destructor response
Weathering two major storms
Rising star nominated for Young Grower of the Year award
Planting native species to support pollinator in macadamia orchards
New edition of the Macadamia plant protection guide out now
A new strategy to prevent yield losses to flower blight
Innovative pest management solutions for Gympie Region
IOM principles guide McLeans Ridges orchard makeover
CCC macadamia research update highlights benefits of IOM
Building on the National Macadamia Map – your help needed for futureproofing the macadamia industry
Predicting macadamia planting dates using remote sensing and deep learning
Monitoring and managing flower diseases in macadamia
Improving fruit and banana spotting bug control using pheromones
Research investigates new methods for macadamia plant supply
Rapid assessment of brown centre and rancidity in macadamia
Funding supports pollination research

AMS News Bulletin Winter 2024

2024 | Ellis K, Moosberger P, Kojetin L, Bond D, Hamilton-Bate C, Bright J, Kaddatz B, Akinsanmi F, Maddox C, Andreoli S, Bryen L, Dunn E, Maier B, Fuller C, Price J, Shephard C, AMS, Grieve E, Yandall E, Anderson J, Xu X, Rincon-Florez V, Yonow T, Kriticos D, Amat Gomez C, Mensah T, Dhakal Poudel P | News Bulletin

CEO's report
Marketing update and news
Industry insights (IDM report)
Brisbane City Council teams with MCT to save Brisbane's rare macadamias
New industry development officer joins AMS
Macadamia production in Brazil
Pest and disease management roundup
Crop protection: more than calibration
Scolytid beetle activity on the rise again
Managing macadamia lace bugs in orchards: where the research is at
Bee Friendly Farming at MFM
Netting macadamia benefits
Spatially enabling the horticulture tree crop industry in Australia
New tree planting year prediction application
New insights into macadamia rachis tip dieback
Modelling for macadamia pest management
Towards predicting husk rot severity in macadamia
Genetic insights into rootstocks for vigour control
Drying macadamias for quality: some observations from my time in the industry
Nuts for Life update
New macadamia crumb a masterclass in versatility
Australian macadamia minor use and emergency permits

AMS News Bulletin Autumn 2024

2024 | Islam S, Whitehouse M, Allison C, Kojetin L, Bond D, Hamilton-Bate C, Jones K, Topp B, Brinkhoff J, Hanan J, Price J, Robson A, Auzmendi I, Mainali B, Gillespie M, Beach S, Tay A, Hossain Biswas J, Mottakina Akter M, Zulfiqar Rizvi S, Le Rouz J, Pickard G, Cook J, Nunn J | News Bulletin

CEO’s report
2024 delivers improved global outlook
Industry insights
MCT invests in wild macadamia research and protection
Monitoring and managing post-harvest quality
Harvesters: Homegrown and imported to suit every orchard
New handler for Bundaberg region
Long-term focus on soil health yields results
Regular monitoring pays off for Glass House Mountains orchard
Farming 2- to 6-year-old wood
Gut contents analysis of macadamia predators: Who eats what and when
Assessment of thermal thresholds of Leptocoris: Are these bugs a threat to macadamia?
Feeding the bees: Understanding the health and behaviour of managed stingless bees in macadamia orchards
Does higher planting density increase orchard lifespan yield?
Satellite imagery improves macadamia yield forecasts
Breeding for husk spot resistance in new cultivars
The stand-out macadamia product discoveries of 2023
The macadamia – Australia’s gift to the world
CCC Macadamia Open Day at Alstonville
ANIC quietly at work for tree nut growers
Nuts for Life update
The importance of cash flow management
Is your farm biosecurity plan up to date?
Emergency Plant Pests - what they are and how to report them
Australian macadamia minor use and emergency permits

AMS News Bulletin Summer 2023

2023 | Ellis K, Kojetin L, Bond D, Hamilton-Bate C, Currey A, Epplett N, Price J, Mainali B, Islam S, Whitehouse M, Arnett R | News Bulletin

In-shell demand surge from China sees market dynamics shift
Industry insights
MCT: Macadamia habitat zones to inform conservation actions
Hort Innovation Reset and Refresh – macadamia R&D advice model confirmed
Interim funding model for WMO
WMO – looking ahead
Support for flood and rainfall recovery in Queensland
Mulch a winner in orchard management
Drought preparedness built on soil health
Understanding the impact of natural disasters on rural land managers
Growers focus on maintaining annual routines
AMS Awards of Excellence – Production
Testing new ideas key to lifting productivity
All-rounder skills for orchard management
Long-term investment pays off
New growers optimistic about future of floodplain orchard
A glimpse into Banyula’s seasonal journey
Non-levy funded research projects
Can lace bugs be controlled with predators?
New study of on-farm crop losses underway
Expanding horizons: Australian macadamias start making their mark in India
IMS23: Symposium roundup
Australian macadamia minor use and emergency permits

AMS News Bulletin Spring 2023

2023 | Kojetin L, Bond D, Hamilton-Bate C, Bright J, Langfield K, Broadley R, Mulo S, Bignell G, Price J, Toegel H, Mainali B, Manson D, Sun D, Rose M, Rose T, Coco L, Haberman A, Grunennvaldt R | News Bulletin

Global macadamia environment remains highly competitive
Leoni’s orchard rounds
MCT: Cat’s claw creeper and other weeds – humans the most effective biological control
Industry and AMS stalwart celebrates 100th birthday
Searching for systems in macadamia orchard nutrient management
NSW DPI releases new nutrition and soil health module
Are your fertilisers labelled correctly?
Manure wood chip and urea: both sources of nitrogen but not the same
Zunkers embrace the learning journey
Regenerative agriculture: why the buzz?
Inter-row cover crop effects on soil health in macadamia plantations
To hedge or not to hedge?
Drone offers another option in the orchard
Benchmarking insights from 2009-2022
Promising NIS yields from high-density planting of cultivar P at Bundaberg
Bundaberg growers delve into canopy management at workshop
Understanding Leptocoris bugs better
Macadamias crack 40,000 ha
40th World Nut and Dried Fruit Congress spotlights opportunities on the horizon
Monitoring the top tip from consultants
Keeping a check on seasonal conditions with NSW DPI program
Australian macadamia minor use and emergency permits

The complex macadamia landscape (July 2023 MacGroup)

2023 | Hamilton-Bate C | Video

AMS CEO Clare Hamilton-Bate outlines the key roles and responsibilities of the main players and stakeholders in the macadamia industry.

AMS News Bulletin Winter 2023

2023 | Kojetin L, Alt S, Bright J, Jones K, Akinsanmi F, Maddox C, Price J, Elley S, Hamilton-Bate C, Burgess R, Mohankumar V, Rogiers S | News Bulletin

Challenging market conditions continue
Leoni’s orchard rounds
MCT: MCT1 a hit with growers and beyond
Letter to the Editor: Do you have a future in macadamias?
Kernel assessment workshops
Macadamia Grower Guide: what is it, what’s happening and what is available now?
The global macadamia market: top ten facts
Navigating industry challenges
The importance of post-harvest management to kernel quality
Financial and other support for growers
Green shoots of recovery after floods
Managing pests and diseases: practical tips
Monitoring and good management keys to discouraging insect pests
Your levies at work
Growers asked to collect predator samples
Status and gaps in knowledge of ‘BOT’ disease in macadamias
Project to help recovery from inundation
Latest national map of macadamia orchards completed and online
Expert panel explores food trend research in live online trade event
Native bees – key to orchard resilience
Hort360 Phase 2 – get involved
Recreational fishing, healthy habitat and macadamias

Navigating a challenging season – Grower discussions (Feb 2023 MacGroup)

2023 | Australian Macadamia Society, QDAF | Video

At the February 2023 AMS MacGroups, local growers and industry representatives who had experienced challenging seasons in the past shared how they managed, what worked and what didn’t, how to rationalise your operations, what to prioritise and how to maximise efficiencies and make adjustments across all aspects of production including nutrition, harvest management, labour and post-harvest handling.

Australian macadamia industry benchmarking insights 2022-2027 (Feb 2023 MacGroup)

2023 | Australian Macadamia Society, QDAF | Video

At the February 2023 AMS MacGroups, the QDAF Benchmarking team (Shane Mulo and Grant Bignell) provided an overview of benchmarking results and trends from previous seasons and what these mean for growers.

AMS News Bulletin Autumn 2023

2023 | Lerch G, Moosberger P, Kojetin L, Bond D, Boote M, Burton D, Hardner C, Topp B, Daley R, Bignell G, Russell D, Hanan J, Price J, de Faveri J, Alam M, Elley S, Binns G, Auzmendi I | News Bulletin

Driving demand for Australian-grown macadamias is key in 2023
Leoni's orchard rounds (IDM update)
MCT: Visiting wild macadamias on the Gold Coast
New faces on the AMS Board
KLAS audit verifies consistent assessment standards
Varroa mite eradication program continues into 2023
Camera solution for wheel blockages with bespoke tractor
Why growing macadamias sustainably is a future imperative we cannot ignore
Factors affecting total kernel recovery
The agtech going nuts in the macadamia industry
Carbon credits and sustainability
Automated solution for managing feral pigs
Assessing crop loss
Fertiliser program and irrigation keys to quality and productivity for Bundaberg grower
Tree removal rejuvenates older orchard
Award winners share their farming philosophy
Probiotics to help defend crop-pollinating honey bees from common diseases
Growers helping to accelerate the development of new superior cultivars
Does planting macadamia trees at higher density increase yield? Find out what the computer simulation says
2022’s most exciting macadamia product innovations
Celebrity chef creates macadamia masterpieces

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Supported by Hort Innovation and Macadamia Fund

This website has been partly funded by Hort Innovation, using the macadamia research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government.