

25-year blueprint for Queensland primary industries

The Queensland Department of Primary Industries (DPI) is embarking on a transformative journey with industry and stakeholders to co-design a 25-year blueprint to build a better future for primary industries and deliver greater benefits for our state more broadly. 

Yesterday, DPI hosted a forum with industry and stakeholders that marked the beginning of ongoing conversations to design the blueprint. AMS CEO Clare Hamilton-Bate represented our industry at the event, which attracted 250 representatives across all sectors and was the largest primary industry consultation in more than a decade.

The blueprint will pave the way for Queensland’s primary industries to meet the government’s goal of boosting primary production to $30 billion by 2030, by unlocking new opportunities for our agriculture, fisheries, and forestry sectors and communities. 

The 25-year blueprint will outline a vision for the industry, supported by a series of 5-year plans to help achieve its vision and goals.  

The forum explored key factors that will influence Queensland’s primary industries, such as shifts in globalisation, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations, climate and labour needs, and the strategic opportunities offered by digital and technology, diversification, advanced manufacturing and international megatrends.    

“Whilst the focus of the day was on Queensland, many of us were representing national industries and there was a strong agreement on the need for this process to ultimately extend beyond Queensland for the benefit of all Australian primary production sectors,” said Ms. Hamilton-Bate.

A broad consultation program with primary producers, peak groups and the public will continue over the next four months as a staged approach so that everyone has an opportunity to contribute. 

Following the forum, a draft blueprint will be developed and then released for public consultation.

A dedicated engagement hub has been set up to keep people informed about consultation on the 25-year vision and 5-year plans. 

You can subscribe to receive updates on the consultation activities, including release of the draft blueprint for feedback. 

For updates or questions about the 25-year blueprint visit www.daf.qld.gov.au, email [email protected] or call 13 25 23. 

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Supported by Hort Innovation and Macadamia Fund

This website has been partly funded by Hort Innovation, using the macadamia research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government.