

Biosecurity Protection Levy update from AMS CEO

The Department of Agriculture’s ill-conceived and widely criticised Biosecurity Protection Levy (BPL) passed the lower house last week, supported only along policy lines by labour members, with the Coalition, Greens and independent MPs voting against the proposal. 

The Senate has referred the proposed legislation to the Rural & Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee for inquiry and reporting by 10 May 2024. 

Submissions to the inquiry are open until 10 April 2024, however the AMS and several other industry representative bodies have requested a 7-day extension to enable us to provide more detailed impact data.

In addition to a submission to the Senate Inquiry, direct industry engagement with Senators is proving beneficial in further raising industry opposition to the imposition of yet another tax, particularly one where collection mechanisms are inequitable and quantification of industry benefit still unclear. The momentum of opposition to the levy appears to be growing.

I will be writing to Senators in all macadamia production regions next week, with a copy of our submission.

I would strongly encourage individual macadamia businesses to do the same. Complete your submission here.  

Please contact me if you would like more information on the proposed BPL and guidelines to form the basis of your submission: via email [email protected] or mobile 0407 930 586.

We will keep industry up to date with developments over the coming weeks.


Clare Hamilton-Bate

Chief Executive Officer

Australian Macadamia Society

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Supported by Hort Innovation and Macadamia Fund

This website has been partly funded by Hort Innovation, using the macadamia research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government.