

Key learnings the macadamia sector can consider as it grows

The team at Rabobank have the pleasure of inviting you to join an online discussion with RaboResearch Senior Analysts, Hayden Higgins, and David MagaƱa, as they discuss tree nut industry insights and more specifically how the Australian Macadamia sector can use these learnings as the sector grows.

The online discussion will begin at 12 noon (NSW-time) on Thursday, 19 November.

Key highlights include: 

  • How the Californian almond sector, and others, have dealt with 
    • Changing regulations for water (Sustainable Groundwater management Act or SGMA)
    • Changing regulations for pesticides, herbicides in relation to urban pressures
  • A general overview of tree nut demand over the coming 2-3 years
  • Overview of both Australian and US almond supply and how this rise in supply might impact prices 
  • Learnings the Australian macadamia sector should consider as it grows.

Click here to register now and avoid missing out, places are limited.

Registered participants will receive a confirmation email with link to join the webinar via Microsoft Teams.


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Supported by Hort Innovation and Macadamia Fund

This website has been partly funded by Hort Innovation, using the macadamia research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government.