Our Macadamia Masterclass participants gathered in Bundaberg in early February, to learn about harvest and post-harvest management.
Industry experts shared their knowledge with the group over two full days, focusing on:
- The post-harvest drivers of kernel quality and their management - post-harvest physiology, kernel quality, kernel assessment, the role of moisture, on farm storage design and management, traceability/record keeping and crop loss protocols.
- The principles of harvest management - harvest strategies, preparing and maintaining a harvestable floor, preharvest clean-up and harvesting, wet weather management and ethephon and tree shaking as harvest tools.
- Dehusking – the processes and principles behind high quality results, considerations around dehuskers and the importance of choosing the right finger wheels.
- Drying techniques
- The role of different harvesters.
The class toured the dehusking facility at Macadamia Management Group and the Marquis factory.
Our thanks go to our Masterclass presenters and hosts Kim Jones (Crop Watch Independent Laboratories), Dr Chris Searle (MacAvo Consulting), Dave Shaxson (Macadamia Management Group), Kerry Sparke (independent harvest consultant) Craig Brice (Marquis Macadamias) and Jennifer Hulme (Hinkler Park Plantations).
The class have now covered four of the six course topics - pests and diseases, orchard floor management and nutrition, water management and harvest and post-harvest management.
The Masterclass started in October 2024 and will finish in late August 2025 with a tour of the Almond Centre of Excellence orchard in South Australia.
About the Masterclass in Macadamia Management
The industry’s Masterclass in Macadamia Management offers a comprehensive 12-month program designed for experienced orchard managers. The class is run annually by the AMS.
The masterclass covers six core topics:
- Orchard floor nutrition and soils
- Canopy management
- Water management
- Pests and diseases
- Harvest and post-harvest management
- Sustainability and innovative technology
It also includes aspects of advanced management, such as integrating digital technologies, leadership skills and workplace health and safety.
The masterclass offers participants a fantastic opportunity to enhance their orchard’s productivity, profitability and sustainability. It is limited to current macadamia farm managers with at least two years of management experience.
For more information, contact the AMS on 1800 262 426.