

Paradise dam - we need your help

Together with BFVG and other affected organisations, the AMS is mounting a campaign to ensure that the full capacity of Paradise Dam is replaced, either by repair of the existing dam wall or by the construction of a replacement storage that can service the current scheme irrigators.

One of the key parts of this campaign is knowing accurately how many hectares of macadamias there are in the region and what additional plantings are planned.

TheAustralian Tree Crop Rapid Response Map (last updated in 2017) is being updated at larger scale (1ha) and aims to include the many newly established orchards throughout the Bundaberg region.

Please click on the link to help “improve the map, get the app”


Read about the app then open the survey part of the link at the bottom, and follow these simple steps:

Add location (at the desktop) by either typing in your orchard address in the search box  or on a smart device (phone) using your GPS (the map will locate to where you are)and position the pin on the orchard .  Select “macadamias” as the land use, you can also include a photo if you wish (go to box at bottom that says “Image”, tap on it, take a photo; The photo adds certainty and  gives an indication of age. To finish the survey press submit. 

It would be really helpful if you could repeat that process for each orchard you own or manage AND for any land you intend to plant to macadamias in the next 5 years follow the same process but  add text to that effect in the comments box e.g “macadamias in 2 or 3 years”.

The location, the crop type and the photo will then go off to the University of New England where it will be interpreted and compiled into a map of all the Bundaberg orchards.

Thank you for helping the AMS protect the irrigation infrastructure of Bundaberg. 

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Supported by Hort Innovation and Macadamia Fund

This website has been partly funded by Hort Innovation, using the macadamia research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government.